Monday, May 10, 2010 Y 8:25 PM
Dear LAG-ers,
We have a few new members joining us.
Let's welcome them!
- ~x3DongDong
Paiseh, some IGN not according.
Anyway, I just dropped by to clear the DUST!
LOL!! Welcome all the new members, have fun~!
Signing off,
~x3TWOever's WIFE =
~x3TWOgether ^^
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Y 12:47 PM
Hello everyone! Your ultrawoman is back to update.
Longggggggggg time since the last update.
Everyone's been lazy to tag too huh >=(
Anyway! Fam chalet was a sucess to me.
Cause all SG members were present! Haha.
We played games and had forfeits.
Most forfeits contributed by ur smarty fam leader, which is me!
Hoho, videos are uploaded, but only for members to see!
Too bad to those who cant watch, cause it's funny! Haha!
Everyone had fun? :D Have fun jiu hao~ ^^
Its 1 december already! So fast right? Can't believe 2009 is ending soon.
Certain members have been with me for more then 1 year already.
Sincerely thank you all for that!
And yesterday was me and my laogong's(~x3TWOever) Love party!
We upgraded our ring! Those who couldn't online, too bad =P
Especially DANGDANG =X
But anyway pingguo and mangguo was there! Hoho.

A sneak peek of our handsome assistant TWOever,
and your pretty fam leader!!!!
I guess that's it! Will update soon~ And I UPDATED already hor =D
Take cares all!
Labels: Updated by ~x3TWOgether
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Y 9:23 PM
Haha, your superwoman is back =D
Goodluck to me and mango on upcoming O levels!!!
In about 5 days or so!
Also, goodluck to everyone! Hahahahahahha.
Nothing much to update leh...
Look foward to chalet! :D
Labels: Updated by ~x3TWOgether
Friday, October 9, 2009 Y 10:34 AM
Yo fellow LAGers~
This is Optimus Prime, Leader of the autobots. Okay straight to the point~
x3baby-hubby a.k.a ivan has left LAG. Reason is unknown =\ ok that makes our fam back to 8 members~ and my erzi ~x3Flame wont online anytime soon i guess? nvm we're still a FAMily~
kk next up!
Chalet~~~ =D Date is confirmed already. 13 to 15 November (Friday-Sunday) Costa Sands Resorts(Pasir Ris) and i stupidly booked the chalet when i tot my father's max card is accepted. den booked le den realise the card is not accepted. so that means i booked the non member price which is $420 instead of member price $224. No worries LAGers~ is my mistake so i wont bai bai let u all pay more k. we'll treat it as $220 ba den if 10 of us go den each person will just have to pay
$22? excluding food. ya thats about it. Try to make yourself free so we can have fun together and have greater bonding =D shall have more plannings on the chalet e.g games and activities haha. Look forward to our LAG 1st Chalet!
Autobots, rollout!Labels: Updated by ~x3TWOever